Amazon Deals

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Amazon Affiliate Cash In 24hrs Using Twitter On Autopilot

Things Needed

  1. Amazon Affiliate account from HERE
  2. account from HERE
  3. TwitterFeed account from HERE
  4. Twitter account from HERE

First of all follow the steps below to setup all the requirements to make this proven strategy a success. Once all on the below steps have been completed you will be ready to start making Amazon Affiliate cash on autopilot within 24hrs guaranteed.

Step 1 Amazon Affiliate Signup

"What is Amazon's Affiliate program you ask? - Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and bloggers to create links and earn referral fees when customers click through and buy products from Amazons Network. It's completely free to join and easy to use."

Sign yourself up to Amazon's Affiliates program HERE and create your unique "Tracking ID". Signup if free quick and simple and should take no longer than 24hrs to get approval (Usually within 30mins). Click HERE to see the Amazon Affiliates FAQ's & Help files if required and also note that I'm using Amazon's UK affiliate site (All regions are available).

Nothing else will be required from Amazon's Affiliate site for now but feel free to watch the below video for further detailed instructions around Amazon's Affiliate Program.

Step 2 Account Signup

"What is you ask? - provides bloggers, publishers and brands a way to instantly syndicate content and expand their reach on the social web and into new channels. There tools make it easy to manage and measure the flow of your content everywhere your audience is. publishes your media, your blogs, all your content to your social channels, ensuring your audience sees it instantly."

Signup HERE Its free for 5 campaigns (You will need to pay a small cost if you decide you want more campaigns when the cash starts rolling in)

Once you have created your account you will need to setup your 5 free campaigns which will automatically post your RSS feeds which will contain your Amazon Affiliate tracking ID whenever the RSS feed has been updated by Amazon (The way I will show you later on in this guide will have RSS feeds that are updated every 30mins at the longest).

Feel free to watch the below video for detailed instructions of how to use services.

Step 3 TwitterFeed Account Signup

"What is TwitterFeed you ask? - Twitterfeed is a utility that allows you to feed your content (for example, blog posts or any other content that supports RSS feeds) to twitter, Facebook, and other social platforms. It enables publishers to bring content to a wider audience and track the performance through real-time stats."

Signup HERE Its free and has unlimited capmaigns.

TwitterFeed is basically the same kind of site as but has less functions and can be a little slow when loading pages but it gets the required job done.

Feel free to watch the below video for detailed instructions of how to use TwitterFeed.

Step 4 Twitter Account Signup

"What is Twitter you ask? - No need for me to explain twitter? I mean come on folks it's Twitter!!"

Signup HERE Its free (Make sure you make your profile look good and not boring if possible)

Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. It will also let you allow certain programs to post for you which is what we are looking for in this guide.

Feel free to watch the below video for detailed instructions of how to use Twitter (No Brainer).

Now onto the tutorial

I hope you can bear with me on this tutorial as I'm new to all this article writing stuff so I will try and explain all this as simple as possible so here goes.

First of all you will need to create the RSS feed from amazon which will contain your unique tracking ID but the trick here is we need an RSS feed that changes every hour so that is will trigger the account to make a post on our twitter account automatically. To do this you will first need to login to your affiliate account created earlier and leave this window open in your browser. Now navigate to this URL and leave THIS window open in you browser also. Now if you read the information within this web page it guides you through on how to setup your own personal Amazon affiliates RSS feed by simply adding a few changes to the URL which are in the below snipit which is an example for (Best Sellers of various categories:).

Note:- Best sellers and New-Release are the best to use as they are updated on the hour every hour which means that you will get a lot more auto tweets posted to your Twitter account.

Below is a quick video to show you how to setup an RSS with you Amazon affiliate ID if your stuck.

Once you have your RSS feed embedded with your Amazon affiliate ID then you are ready for the next step. Basically any sales that are confirmed with amazon from this RSS feed with earn you money.

The next step is to login to your account you setup in step 2 and create a new RSS campaign and then set it up to post as often as possible and even add a few hashtags to help niche the Amazon category I.E #Electronics for an RSS feed from Amazons bestseller Electronics RSS feed.

Watch the below video to help you setup a new RSS to Twitter feed using your own RSS URL.

So now you should have your personalised Amazon affiliate RSS feed setup and also added to your account so that its delivered to your twitter account automatically on auto pilot?. So whats happened now is you just repeat the steps above using various other Amazon categories for example (New-Releases>Clothing) and continue until you have your five free routes setup. As mentioned above you can pay a small monthly fee to get unlimited deliveries and routes with your account but I recommend making some profit first.

Now once all of the above is complete you just need to get some Twitter followers which can be done using sites like etc and you will see that people will also start to re-tweet and favourite your posts which gives then more visibility. below is a snippit from my account (Only 3 days worth of sale BTW) and I hope you can make this kind off cash too.

By the way is just another backup RSS to Twitter website that does pretty much the same job as but is quite slow and has less features. (Use this as well as for best results) and before you know it you will be making Amazon affiliate cash on autopilot with ease.